Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A little about me :)

I'm a 44 year old woman who refuses to grow up! :) I TRY to live my life as a 16 year old would! And occasionally act like one! haha

I live in the most awesome place a person could live. Summers are an artists color palet and winters are like living in a snow globe!

My hobbies are photography, reading, "energy" work, working "within" my evolving self, living, loving and laughing!

Always looking for new and old friends.

1 comment:

  1. I'm an old friend. Way too old. Ancient even.

    Nice to see you blogging. Hope you'll continue. I currently follow 91 Alaska Blogs! Not everyone writes every day, but it's so nice to *know* people all over this state - from the smallest villages to the largest city.
